LawWorks have continued to work on a range of policy issues during the pandemic, including through the legal and advice sector roundtable which has provided a valuable forum for communicating...
11/08/2020 - 3:52pm
The July legal and advice sector roundtable included contributions from the Equality and Human Rights Commission and Equally Ours about the equality and diversity challenges the sector faces. A...
11/08/2020 - 4:01pm -
Funding opportunities LawWorks has been updating information about relevant grants and Covid-19 response funding opportunities that may be of interest to clinics and other stakeholders. Visit the...
11/08/2020 - 4:23pm -
The unpaid wages project supports lawyers to develop pro bono expertise in a specific area of employment law, helping individuals in London subject to ‘wage theft’, i.e., not being paid in full for...
11/08/2020 - 4:31pm -
Delivered by Jamie Haynes and Michael Poole, Citizens Advice Rhondda Cynon Taff, this session provides an introduction to Universal Credit. The session gives an overview of the Universal Credit...
13/08/2020 - 4:36pm -
18/08/2020 - 4:08pm
LawWorks are delighted to announce that from 1 September 2020, we will be starting a new phase of our LawWorks Cymru work for the next five years. Supported by a grant of £422,760 from the...
28/08/2020 - 8:28am -
Now its 19th year, events and campaigns in Pro Bono Week offer an opportunity to celebrate and recognise the voluntary contributions made by lawyers across the four nations of the UK in giving free...
01/09/2020 - 1:26pm -
02/09/2020 - 11:23am
04/09/2020 - 11:30am