We help charities, voluntary organisations, social enterprises, and other not-for-profits in England and Wales in the following ways: (1) providing free videos, memos and FAQs on common legal issues and (2) providing free legal assistance to eligible organisations.
1. Free videos, memos and FAQs on common legal issues
LawWorks hosts a range of short online videos presented by solicitors - our "Free Talks". The videos cover common legal issues faced by small not-for-profit organisations. The videos are all free to watch and aim to help you when making important decisions.
LawWorks also has a range of other legal resources to help answer some frequently asked questions that we receive from charities and not-for-profit organisations.
You should browse the above Free Talks and resources before applying to our service on behalf of your not-for-profit organisation (see below).
2. Free legal assistance for not-for-profits
The Not-for-Profits Programme brokers legal advice on a wide range of legal issues to small not-for-profit organisations meeting our eligibility criteria.
It can find a solicitor for your not-for-profit organisation, either for:
- A one-off legal issue (like drafting a contract, reviewing a lease, updating a constitution/articles, or clarifying rights in a commercial dispute); or
- A longer-term basis (to carry out a review of the organisation's documents, identify potential legal issues, and be a first port of call for legal queries).
“Many small voluntary organisations can barely meet their core costs let alone pay for legal advice - LawWorks is an invaluable service.” (Not-for-Profits Programme applicant)
The LawWorks Not-for-Profits Programme is supported by the City of London Corporation’s charitable funder, City Bridge Trust.