Free Talks

LawWorks develops resources which provide general information for not-for-profit organisations on specific areas of law, to enable them to spot and avoid potential legal problems. Theses resources include Free Talks.

Free Talks

Free Talks are short online videos presented by solicitors about common legal issues faced by small not-for-profit organisations.

The videos are all free to watch and aim to help you when making important decisions.

We are hugely grateful to the Legal Education Foundation for funding this project.

Please see below for a list of Free Talks. Choose the relevant legal topic from the drop-down menu in the grey box (titled “Not-for-profit resources”) and click on any relevant videos.

If your organisation has any further questions that are not covered by the Free Talks, take a look at our Memos and FAQs webpage.

Contact us

If you have any comments on any of the Free Talks videos, or if there are specific issues you think it would be helpful for us to cover in future videos, please email us:


Charles Pigott from Mills & Reeve LLP talks about how to manage redundancies and outlines what a fair procedure typically lo

Bethan Lloyd, a lawyer from DLA Piper UK LLP, outlines what to do if someone infringes your intellectual property rights and als

Alasdair Muller, a lawyer from DLA Piper UK LLP, summarises different intellectual property rights and how they can be used to p

Judge Alison McKenna from the Charity Tribunal explains how to challenge Charity Commission decisions at the Charity Tribunal.

Law firm Russell-Cooke discusses the practicalities when amending governing documents and constitutions.

In this short series of videos, Alexandra Carr talks about the basics of contract law.

This video by law firm Russell-Cooke explains the different types of structures available for charities and community groups and

Kathryn Dowsett from Faegre Baker Daniels gives practical explanations of some common issues dealt with in leases, such as rent

Els Janssens explains what a not-for-profit should consider when taking on a new member of staff, drawing distinctions between e

Claris D'Cruz, a barrister at Wrigleys Solicitors LLP, gives a practical overview of when and how to set up and register as