7 Bedford Square
Opening Times
Clinic appointments take place online via Teams Mondays to Fridays (during term time) 10am to 5pm. It is possible for appointments to be held over the phone.
Area(s) of law
Other, Personal injury
Other areas of law available
Personal injury including Road Traffic Accident Claims, Fatal Accidents & Injury, Accident at Work Claims, Accidents in Public Places, Accidents Abroad, Product Liability Claims, Slips & Trips Claims, Serious Injury Claims.
Information about accessibility
Appointments will be held online via Teams or over the phone.
This clinic offers the following service(s)
Written Advice, Initial Advice
You can access the service in the following way(s)
Appointment, Online
Summary of Service
After completing the online Enquiry Form with the Clinic, a student volunteer will review with a solicitor to confirm whether it is a matter we can assist with. If we are able to assist you, we will contact you to arrange an appointment, which will normally be scheduled Monday to Friday (during term time) 10am to 5pm. During the appointment you will speak with a student volunteer who will take the full details of your matter. They will complete a letter of advice under the supervision of a solicitor which will be provided to you within 21 days of your appointment. If we cannot assist you, we will signpost you to another advice service who may be able to help.
You can access the online enquiry form using this link: