Christ Church East Greenwich
Trafalgar Road
SE10 9EQ
Phone number
07806 733341
Opening Times
To discuss making an appointment please email or phone 07806 733341 and provide a contact telephone number.
Area(s) of law
Civil Litigation, Contract, Family, Housing, Immigration, Welfare benefits, Wills and probate
Who can access this clinic?
The clinic is available for individuals and charities of limited means resident in a South East London postcode.
Depending upon resource availability, priority will be given to individuals.
Information about accessibility
Wheelchair access available; the building is fully accessible for disabled persons.
This clinic offers the following service(s)
Written Advice, Casework, Representation, Form Filling, Initial Advice
You can access the service in the following way(s)
Appointment, Telephone
Summary of Service
To discuss making an appointment please email or phone 07806733341.
The East Greenwich Legal Advice Clinic (EGLAC) is run by qualified lawyers and offers an initial legal advice service, including follow up work if appropriate.
EGLAC will provide legal advice and assistance by appointment only at clinic sessions held fortnightly. All client matters will initially be assessed via a telephone call with a volunteer lawyer. If the clinic is able to assist with the matter, you will then be invited to attend an appointment at the first available remote session.