RG14 1BA
Phone number
Opening Times
Not applicable: online
Our telephone enquiry line 01635 015 854 is open Monday to Friday from 11am to 1pm, with an answerphone outside of these times.
Area(s) of law
Domestic Violence, Family
Who can access this clinic?
Individuals who have been subject to domestic violence or domestic abuse. Thames Valley area (Hampshire, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Berkshire).
Information about accessibility
Translators are available for the advice appointment at no cost to the client
This clinic offers the following service(s)
Initial Advice
You can access the service in the following way(s)
Summary of Service
We are unable to see clients at our premises at this time. Please visit our website and select the referral tab.
FLAG DV is an appointment only legal advice clinic, for individuals who have experienced domestic violence or abuse, are aged 18 or over and would like free legal advice.
This service is confidential and open to all whatever your financial circumstances.
You can access the service via a professional referral or a self-referral for telephone appointments: