London Metropolitan Pro Bono Legal Advice Clinic



London Metropolitan University

166-220 Holloway Road


N7 8DB

Opening Times

24 hours a day / 7 days a week through our email service. In person interviews by appointment only.

Area(s) of law

Consumer, Employment, Family, Housing

Information about accessibility

Our facilities are fully accessible for the disabled

This clinic offers the following service(s)

Written Advice, Initial Advice

You can access the service in the following way(s)


Summary of Service

All advice is delivered by our Legal Advice Clinic student advisers under direct supervision of qualified lawyers. You can request our service online by contacting us through our email address and we will aim to be in touch within 2 working days with preliminary advice. If we believe that we can provide you with further advice and potential solutions, we will invite you to our offices for an appointment with the student advisers and our qualified lawyers. During this appointment, we will take full detail of your matter to understand your legal position and gather all of the relevant information related to your issue. Following the conclusion of the in-person appointment, we will aim to provide you with free written legal advice within 10 working days. Please note that the clinic does not undertake casework or represent clients in court or at a tribunal, but we can refer you to other free legal service providers who are able to represent you in the later stages of litigation.