United Legal Access (Nottingham)





Opening Times

Monday to Friday 10am to 3pm

Area(s) of law

Contract, Housing, Windrush

Other areas of law available

Race equality

This clinic offers the following service(s)

Written Advice, Form Filling, Initial Advice

You can access the service in the following way(s)

Appointment, Online

Summary of Service

United Legal provides free initial advice and assistance online. We are currently running Windrush Compensation Support Clinics. In addition to this, we provide advice on race equality, housing, employment and contractual disputes. For any advice or to book an appointment, email Info@unitedlegalaccess.com We operate an online service only, via our website, which is accessible at anytime. Responses provided within 5 to 7 working days. For any advice please submit a ticket via our website https://unitedlegalaccess.com/submit-ticket/.

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