University of Law London, South East and Norwich Legal Advice



University of Law, Pro Bono Dept;

London Bloomsbury

14, Store Street,



Opening Times

Selected dates during term time October to June by appointment only. Please note that face to face appointments are not possible at the Norwich campus and all appointments are carried out be phone or video call”.

Area(s) of law

Charity, Child, Civil Litigation, Contract, Corporate Structure, Domestic Violence, Environmental, Family, Intellectual property, Property, Tort

This clinic offers the following service(s)

Initial Advice

You can access the service in the following way(s)

Appointment, Telephone, Online

Summary of Service

Please note that we are able to take referrals from anywhere in England and Wales Trained student advisers take initial details of your case by calling you on the phone number you provide. Please note that you will not receive advice at this point. This information is then sent to a qualified lawyer to confirm whether we can help you. If so, we will book you an appointment to receive legal advice. During the advice session student advisers are always present to observe and assist the lawyer. If we cannot advise you, we refer you to other sources of help. We do not provide casework or representation and cannot assist with complex or urgent cases.