Working Families Legal Advice Helpline




Phone number


Opening Times

Free phone helpline for parents & carers on employment rights and in-work benefits open Monday to Friday - 11am-2pm Please contact us at anytime via our contact form on our website for email advice or to request call back:

Area(s) of law


Other areas of law available

Parental rights In work benefits

Who can access this clinic?

Parents and carers

Information about accessibility

Advice via email

This clinic offers the following service(s)

Written Advice, Initial Advice

You can access the service in the following way(s)

Telephone, Online

Summary of Service

Working Families provides advice to parents and their advisers on employment rights for parents and benefits for families. Information for working parents and carers on their employment rights, Tax Credits and in-work benefits, maternity and paternity leave, flexible working options and maternity discrimination can be found at our website here: To contact us regarding our free legal advice service please complete this webform: or if you struggle to access written advice, please call our helpline 0300 012 0312 open Monday – Friday 11am to 2pm

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