York St John Law Clinic



York St John Law Clinic

York St John University


YO31 7EX

Phone number

01904 876976

Opening Times

Monday- Friday 9am-4:30pm, term-time only

Area(s) of law

Child, Civil Litigation, Consumer, Contract, Corporate Structure, Crime, Data protection, Domestic Violence, Family, Housing, Insurance

Other areas of law available

Prisoners' Advice

Who can access this clinic?

The Clinic has no eligibility criteria, however, we cannot assist any disputes/ potential disputes against staff/ students/ Governors or Partnering Organisations of York St John University (or the University itself).

This clinic offers the following service(s)

Written Advice, Form Filling, Initial Advice

You can access the service in the following way(s)


Summary of Service

The Clinic is a student lead service, that offers help in the form of: initial advice, form-filling, written advice and documentation drafting. This is available to the public and small businesses who are unable to afford this help. Due to the size of the clinic and the strict academic process the students follow, it may take longer to get advice than if you were to use a solicitor. We cannot currently provide representation or undertake any work which involves handling money on your behalf.