The Hilary Rodham Clinton School of Law
Singleton Park
Phone number
01792 295387
Opening Times
Swansea Law Clinic are able to offer both remote (via Zoom platform) and on-campus interviews.
These interviews will be for initial legal advice.
30-minute initial advice appointment with solicitors are flexible, but are generally arranged on a Wednesday afternoon.
Student advisor appointments are held during term-times only.
Find out more at:
Mae Clinig y Gyfraith Abertawe bellach yn cynnig cyfweliadau o bell (drwy Zoom), neu ar-campws.
Bydd y cyfweliadau hyn ar gyfer rhoi cyngor cyfreithiol cychwynnol.
Mae apwyntiadau cyngor cychwynnol 30-munud gyda chyfreithwyr yn hyblyg, ond yn cael eu cynnal yn gyffredinol ar brynhawn dydd Mercher.
Cynhelir apwyntiadau cynghorydd myfyrwyr yn ystod y tymor yn unig.
Am rhagor o wybodaeth:
Area(s) of law
Consumer, Contract, Employment, Family, Housing, Immigration, Welfare benefits, Personal injury
Other areas of law available
Landlord/Tenant disputes, Relationship breakdown, Consumer issues, Equality issues, Benefits advice, Immigration and Asylum advice (OISC Level 1).
Information about accessibility
Wheelchair accessible
This clinic offers the following service(s)
Initial Advice
You can access the service in the following way(s)
Summary of Service
Initial advice and assistance.