University of Roehampton Law Clinic



University of Roehampton

Mandela Building, Digby Stuart


SW15 5JP

Phone number


Opening Times

Monday & Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Term time only

Area(s) of law

Asylum, Child, Civil Litigation, Consumer, Contract, Employment, Family, Housing, Immigration, Property

Who can access this clinic?

Local with potential for wider access

Information about accessibility

Please advise of disabilities/reasonable adjustments which are required upon referral

This clinic offers the following service(s)

Written Advice, Casework, Form Filling, Initial Advice

You can access the service in the following way(s)

Appointment, Telephone, Online

Summary of Service

One off advice Form filling While the service is advertised as a one-off legal advice appointment, we reserve the right to offer further support casework support, excluding representation, where possible.

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