Family Advice Midlands (FAM)



University of Law, Birmingham Campus

133 Great Hampton Street

B18 6AQ

Opening Times

FAM Advice Clinics take place on a Wednesday throughout the year but you will be contacted by a trained Student Adviser before the Advice Clinic, who will take further information about your matter. Please provide your full name and contact telephone number when emailing the service for assistance.

Area(s) of law

Child, Family

Information about accessibility

This clinic will initially be provided remotely with no physical access issues.

This clinic offers the following service(s)

Initial Advice

You can access the service in the following way(s)


Summary of Service

FAM offers free legal advice on a range of family law issues. Advice is provided by specialist family law solicitors, who support the service on a voluntary basis The service provides initial advice only and as such the clinic is not able to undertake casework or represent clients in court. Please note: No written advice is given to the clients during this clinic.

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