University of Worcester Legal Advice Clinic



University of Worcester School of Law

Henwick Grove



Opening Times

Advice is given by appointment on a first come, first serve basis. Appointments are subject to our volunteers’ expertise and availability, and we have a limited number of appointments we can offer during term time only (November to May).

Area(s) of law

Family, Other, Personal injury

Other areas of law available

Medical Negligence

Information about accessibility

Fully accessible

This clinic offers the following service(s)

Initial Advice

You can access the service in the following way(s)


Summary of Service

We are a small, volunteer led clinic offering free, confidential legal advice in non-urgent matters relating to family law, personal injury and medical negligence. Advice will be given by local qualified solicitors at the Hive. Trained University of Worcester law students will assist the solicitor for example by attending the meeting and taking notes. Advice is given by appointment on a first come, first serve basis. Appointments are subject to our volunteers’ expertise and availability, and we have a limited number of appointments we can offer during term time only (November to May). Please be aware that we are an advice only clinic. This means we are unfortunately unable to provide services such as representation at court or help with drafting documents. We are also unable to advise on the following matters: Domestic violence Inquests Actions against the police