Hardman Street
L1 9AS
Phone number
Opening Times
This clinic operates in term time only from September to May every year.
Area(s) of law
Civil Litigation, Contract, Family, Intellectual property, Wills and probate, Personal injury
Other areas of law available
This clinic offers the following service(s)
Written Advice
You can access the service in the following way(s)
Telephone, Online
Summary of Service
Our Centre provides free legal advice to individuals and businesses. Staffed by students and supervised by experienced clinic staff and volunteer legal professionals from leading Liverpool law firms, the Centre advises on a wide range of legal issues. Advice can be provided in person, by telephone or video call.
We can advise on the following areas:
•Civil litigation
•Wills and administration
Community Economic Development – we can advise small businesses, start-ups, social enterprises and entrepreneurs on matters concerning contracts, commercial issues, employment, commercial property or disputes.
We accept enquiries by telephone or email.