LawWorks Cymru operates across Wales with the aim of increasing access to justice by making it as easy as possible for qualified lawyers to volunteer their time to legal advice projects. Whilst Pro...
12/02/2015 - 11:45am
IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT DEBT ADVICE: Recent changes have limited certain legal advice clinics in terms of being able to give debt advice. Please be aware of this when making contact with clinics. Here...
12/02/2015 - 1:06pm -
We believe in the power of pro bono legal advice to help improve the lives of people in need. We work to achieve this in two ways: enabling access to justice to individuals in need of advice, who...
12/02/2015 - 2:36pm -
LawWorks is the registered operating name of the Solicitors Pro Bono Group Registered Charity number: 1064274 Company Limited by Guarantee number: 03410932 Registered Office and Correspondance...
12/02/2015 - 2:39pm -
LawWorks are headquartered in London, with colleagues based in the Midlands, the South East, the South West, the North West and South Wales. OUR TEAM Rebecca Wilkinson Chief Executive...
12/02/2015 - 2:40pm -
Pro bono advice can improve the lives of vulnerable people and the lives of their families and communities: “They gave me an objective view of the matter. They helped me see things I couldn’t see...
12/02/2015 - 3:28pm -
As a member organisation, LawWorks is at the heart of a network of law firms, in-house legal teams, law schools, charities and individuals committed to ensuring access to justice for the most...
13/02/2015 - 9:29am -
13/02/2015 - 12:00am
London Clinics (Listed by Boroug - Citizens Advice provides information on your rights, including benefits, housing, family matters and employment, and on...
13/02/2015 - 9:43am -
Not-for-Profits Programme Resources Consider reviewing LawWorks' resources for initial support: Free Talks Memos and FAQs General advice and information • Local...
13/02/2015 - 9:44am