Jasmine Ashley-Tagoe (Toynbee Hall Free Legal Advice Centre), Bernadette O’Sullivan (Dentons) and Francine Ryan (Open University) provided insight into their client triaging processes and shared...
03/02/2022 - 11:19am
Delivered by Elizabeth Dwomoh, barrister, Lamb Chambers, this video focuses on the procedural changes in place in respect of residential possession claims and looks ahead to future changes. The...
03/02/2022 - 3:59pm -
Delivered by Jason Freeman, Director of Consumer Law at the Competition and Markets Authority. This video focuses on developing case analysis skills and drafting consumer law contract pleadings....
16/02/2022 - 10:49am -
Alex Lowry, CourtNav Lead at RCJ Advice, introduced Finding Legal Options for Female Survivors (FLOWS) and their CourtNav service, a tool to support applications for a non-molestation and/or...
23/02/2022 - 2:02pm -
Delivered by Elizabeth Dwomoh, barrister, Lamb Chambers. This video provides an update to the statutory repairing and improvement obligations placed on landlords, as well as tenants repairing. This...
04/03/2022 - 10:59am -
This session is presented by Roni Marsh, a welfare benefits and debt adviser with 20 years of experience of advising and training on welfare benefit law. This video covers: An overview of the...
28/03/2022 - 2:02pm -
Tom Brenan Tom is the Environmental Law Foundation’s (ELF) Head of Education & Policy and responsible for ELF’s University network and Young ELF programme. Tom described how ELF work to give...
01/04/2022 - 1:35pm -
Gemma Watts, communications specialist and LawWorks Trustee, provided insight into how clinics can use social and local media in an effective and manageable way to increase awareness and engagement....
10/05/2022 - 5:38pm -
arrow Part 1: Fact-finding (Session 1) A fact-finding hearing may be held when one party makes allegations during family law proceedings and the other party denies the...
25/05/2022 - 4:48pm -
The report covers the calendar year 2021, a year when there were various restrictions in place because of Covid-19. The restrictions changed throughout the year and there were differences between...
16/06/2022 - 3:06pm