Who should watch this? Watch this if you are setting up a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) and want an overview of the process and some helpful tips. The...
03/12/2015 - 12:28pm
LawWorks helps to facilitate access to justice for those in need of advice, who are not eligible for legal aid and without means to pay. Legal pro bono is not a substitute for legal aid, but while...
14/12/2015 - 2:51pm -
This particular template handbook is designed for a pro bono clinic operating out of a law school. Please free to adapt to the particular requirements of your clinic.
26/12/2015 - 7:55pm -
This particular handbook is designed for a pro bono clinic operating through a law firm. Please free to adapt to the particular requirements of your clinic.
26/12/2015 - 12:00am -
Who should watch this? Watch this if you want to renew your organisation’s lease and you think it is possible that the lease is protected by the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954....
04/01/2016 - 10:58am -
Who should watch this? Watch this if you want to know whether your organisation should be a charity, and if so, how to set up and register your charity with the Charity Commission...
04/01/2016 - 11:06am -
Who should watch this? Watch this if you are negotiating new rent review provisions and also if you want to renew your lease after it expires. The content of this video is accurate as at...
04/01/2016 - 11:12am -
Who should watch this? Watch this if you want some ideas, examples, and tips on how to resolve conflicts between the CEO and Chair in a constructive way. Please download the...
04/01/2016 - 11:18am -
Such a system will help ensure that there is appropriate file management occurring and that client matters are being properly progressed. We have provided a sample file review form below. You are...
04/01/2016 - 3:04pm -
There are currently over 25,000 in-house lawyers in England and Wales. The Legal Services Board (LSB) is concerned that any unnecessary restrictions on inhouse lawyers may have the potential to...
07/01/2016 - 4:05pm