Delivered by Jason Freeman, Director of Consumer Law at the Competition & Markets Authority. This session provides an introduction to consumer law, as well as giving an update on Brexit and Covid...
02/02/2022 - 5:26pm
Jasmine Ashley-Tagoe (Toynbee Hall Free Legal Advice Centre), Bernadette O’Sullivan (Dentons) and Francine Ryan (Open University) provided insight into their client triaging processes and shared...
03/02/2022 - 11:19am -
Delivered by Elizabeth Dwomoh, barrister, Lamb Chambers, this video focuses on the procedural changes in place in respect of residential possession claims and looks ahead to future changes. The...
03/02/2022 - 3:59pm -
Background to Free Legal Answers Free Legal Answers is an online platform where people on low incomes can describe a legal problem or ask a legal question and receive pro bono legal advice...
10/02/2022 - 10:38am -
Delivered by Jason Freeman, Director of Consumer Law at the Competition and Markets Authority. This video focuses on developing case analysis skills and drafting consumer law contract pleadings....
16/02/2022 - 10:49am -
Alex Lowry, CourtNav Lead at RCJ Advice, introduced Finding Legal Options for Female Survivors (FLOWS) and their CourtNav service, a tool to support applications for a non-molestation and/or...
23/02/2022 - 2:02pm -
28/02/2022 - 12:31pm
Based on data collected since 2020, this report evidences the benefit of all of our programmes in one place and gives a complete picture of LawWorks activities and impact. Over the past two years,...
01/03/2022 - 5:29pm -
Delivered by Elizabeth Dwomoh, barrister, Lamb Chambers. This video provides an update to the statutory repairing and improvement obligations placed on landlords, as well as tenants repairing. This...
04/03/2022 - 10:59am -
The clients found themselves the subject of a fraudulent online transaction which left them at risk of losing a large sum of money. They commenced litigation but the matter soon became too...
16/03/2022 - 9:18am