LawWorks, the Solicitors Pro Bono Group, has announced that Rebecca Wilkinson has been appointed as its new CEO. Rebecca will take up the role in early May following a hand over from current CEO...
16/03/2022 - 1:49pm
Our Leicester Law School students are trained to give legal advice, closely supervised by qualified solicitors, in the following areas: Contract, Consumer law, Employment, Family, Housing, Probate...
23/03/2022 - 3:03pm -
This session is presented by Roni Marsh, a welfare benefits and debt adviser with 20 years of experience of advising and training on welfare benefit law. This video covers: An overview of the...
28/03/2022 - 2:02pm -
Tom Brenan Tom is the Environmental Law Foundation’s (ELF) Head of Education & Policy and responsible for ELF’s University network and Young ELF programme. Tom described how ELF work to give...
01/04/2022 - 1:35pm -
What are you looking for volunteers to help with? We are looking for volunteers to assist with Online ELIPS’ clinics. Clinics usually operate twice monthly via Zoom on a Thursday. ELIPS’ volunteers...
11/04/2022 - 1:11pm -
For immediate release LawWorks is pleased to announce the shortlist for the 2022 LawWorks and Attorney General’s Student Pro Bono Awards, kindly sponsored by LexisNexis. The awards celebrate the...
14/04/2022 - 12:49pm -
Now in their 16th year, the awards celebrate the best pro bono activities undertaken by law students and law schools. They incorporate the Access to Justice Foundation award for an educational body...
05/05/2022 - 9:49am -
Sarah has been a designer of high street clothes for 15 years. Having become a mother and wanting to have more flexible working hours, she decided to set up her own online business from her...
09/05/2022 - 10:26am -
Gemma Watts, communications specialist and LawWorks Trustee, provided insight into how clinics can use social and local media in an effective and manageable way to increase awareness and engagement....
10/05/2022 - 5:38pm -
The content of this video is accurate as at May 2022. Running time: 36 mins arrow Who should watch this? You should watch this video if you are a charity or not-for...
23/05/2022 - 12:59pm