Who should watch this? Watch this if your organisation has valuable names, logos or creations that you are interested in legally protecting so that others cannot use them without your...
08/01/2016 - 1:28pm
11/01/2016 - 10:51am
Who should watch this? Watch this if you suspect someone is infringing your organisation’s intellectual property rights, or if you think that your organisation may have breached someone...
14/01/2016 - 5:34pm -
Who should watch this? Watch this if you have received a grievance from an unhappy employee and want to know how to deal with it, or if your organisation is drafting its grievance policy...
15/01/2016 - 12:53pm -
Who should watch this? Watch this if you want to take disciplinary action against an employee, for example for their poor performance or misconduct. The content of this video is accurate...
15/01/2016 - 12:58pm -
15/01/2016 - 5:33pm
Advice is given on the following areas of law: Money and debt management Employment rights and obligations Housing issues Immigration and asylum matters South West London Law Centres also...
11/10/2017 - 1:51pm -
01/02/2016 - 1:11pm
01/02/2016 - 1:11pm
01/02/2016 - 1:11pm