The October InfoExchange session focused on the cost of living crisis, how this effects at pro bono clinics, and how clinics can respond. Contributing to this session were: Hajra Jafri, South...
04/11/2022 - 4:46pm
Our speakers for the December InfoExchange were: Mackenzie Chapman – Chief Operating Officer, LawWorks Jen Cheshire – Head of Digital Platforms and Services, LawWorks Hannah Lennox – Supervising...
19/12/2022 - 3:30pm -
Our September InfoExchange focussed on impact and its analysis. We looked at what impact is and why we needed to evaluate it, before moving on to look at strategies used to gather the necessary...
04/10/2023 - 3:45pm -
This, the second InfoExchange on Windrush (a recording of the first is available on our website), was introduced by Sibon Phiri. Nicola Burgess presented an overview of the independent report by...
19/07/2022 - 4:34pm -
The November LawWorks Clinics Network InfoExchange focussed on delivery of pro bono services in rural areas and communities. Exploring ways in which clinics can develop and deliver effective and...
13/12/2023 - 3:29pm -
The August InfoExchange, led by Eleanor Barrow (LawWorks Cymru) explored the topic of co-production from its inception in the Disability Rights Sector. We looked at a definition of Co-production as...
31/08/2022 - 5:04pm -
Alex Lowry, CourtNav Lead at RCJ Advice, introduced Finding Legal Options for Female Survivors (FLOWS) and their CourtNav service, a tool to support applications for a non-molestation and/or...
23/02/2022 - 2:02pm -
The session complements our recently published ‘OISC registration and clinics’ resource, which aims to help clinic coordinators develop and deliver immigration and asylum services. In the resource we...
22/10/2020 - 12:09pm -
Tom Brenan Tom is the Environmental Law Foundation’s (ELF) Head of Education & Policy and responsible for ELF’s University network and Young ELF programme. Tom described how ELF work to give...
01/04/2022 - 1:35pm -
Referrals are an inherent part of the advice sector. Clinics often support clients that have been referred by other frontline organisations and equally may have to refer clients to an alternative...
31/08/2021 - 2:06pm