LawWorks is delighted to announce the shortlist of nominees for the LawWorks and Attorney General’s Student Pro Bono Awards.
The Awards ceremony, sponsored by Lexis Nexis, will be held on Wednesday 26th April at the House of Commons. The Attorney General, The Rt Hon Jeremy Wright QC MP, will be presenting the Awards and the ceremony will be hosted by His Honour Sir Robin Knowles CBE.
The awards celebrate the best pro bono activities undertaken by law students and law schools. Below is a list of the shortlisted nominees:
Best Contribution by a Law School
- Birmingham Law School
- University of Bristol Law School
- Cardiff Law School
- University of Central Lancashire
- University of Manchester
- University of Northumbria
- Plymouth Law School
- Sheffield Hallam University
- University of Strathclyde
Best Contribution by an Individual Student Award
- Juliette Addis – University of Law
- Rebecca Agliolo – University of Cambridge
- Roisin Donnelly – University of Strathclyde
- Anna McCormack – University of Leicester
- Demi McLean – BPP Manchester
- Billy Shaw – Nottingham Law School
Best Contribution by a Team of Students
- BPP Leeds Mock Trial Team
The University of Edinburgh Free Legal Advice Centre
- LawBot Ltd – Cambridge
- LiP Service Bristol, University of Law, University of Western England and University of Bristol
- Teeside Law Clinic
Best New Pro Bono Activity
- Birmingham Employment Tribunal Streetlaw
- University of Greenwich Legal Advice Centre PIP Form Filling Project
- Welfare Rights Project – University of Leeds
University of Leicester Project LIGHT
- Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice – Sheffield Hallam University
- BPP London Pro Bono Centre’s Calais Initiative
The Access to Justice Foundation Award
- Rebecca Agliolo - University of Cambridge
- James Cairns - University of Sheffield School of Law
- Patrick Chindo - University of Hull School of Law
- Northumbria Law School - Northumbria University
The winners of the LawWorks and Bar Pro Bono Unit Law School Challenge will be presented with an award at the event.
The independent judges for the 2017 awards are:
- Jo Egan, Vice President, the Law Society;
- Isla Grant, Senior editor, LawCareers.Net;
- James Harper, Head of Legal, Lexis Nexis and
- Alison Padfield, Co-Chair of the Bar Council Pro Bono Panel.
LawWorks would like to congratulate all shortlisted nominees and everyone who submitted nominations. LawWorks would also like to thank the judges for their hard work in drawing up the shortlist from a very impressive list of nominations.
For further information on the Student Pro Bono Awards, please visit: https://www.lawworks.org.uk/solicitors-and-volunteers/get-involved/lawworks-attorney-generals-student-pro-bono-awards-2017
Notes to editors:
- LawWorks (the Solicitors Pro Bono Group) is a charity working in England and Wales to connect volunteer lawyers and law students with people in need of legal advice, who are not eligible for legal aid and cannot afford to pay, and with the not for profit organisations that support them and their communities. For further information about LawWorks visit: https://www.lawworks.org.uk/
- LawWorks supports a network of independent pro bono advice clinics across England and Wales, and facilitates the provision of free legal advice for smaller charities and not-for-profit organisations.
- LawWorks is supported by the Law Society of England and Wales, the independent professional body for solicitors.
- Join the student pro bono conversation on social media #studentprobonostar
- Press Contact: Valerie Hudson t:0207 092 3952 m:07960 575 679 e: valerie.hudson@lawworks.org.uk