We are passionate about access to justice and know that pro bono legal advice can improve the lives of the most vulnerable in society. Since 1997 we have been working to promote, support and develop pro bono legal advice in England and Wales. The need for our work has increased each year as legal aid has been cut and some law centres closed. The current pandemic has exacerbated the problems faced by disadvantaged individuals and the expected economic downturn will affect many lives for years to come. You can read more about our work and our impact here.
As a charity we are almost entirely dependent on grants and other philanthropic funding and this determines the scope and reach of our work. By leaving a gift in your will, you can help us to achieve our goal of providing access to justice for those without the means to pay for legal advice.
Your will is one of the most important documents you will ever write. It’s the only way to ensure that the people and causes you care about are looked after. Please consider leaving a gift to LawWorks. Your donation can be as small or large as you like – each gift makes a big difference.
Rebecca Wilkinson
LawWorks Chief Executive
If you would like to know more about our work, need help with your will, or would like to inform us of your plans, please email our fundraising team.
Frequently asked questions
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How do I leave a gift to LawWorks?
You will need to make a will. If you already have one, you will need to either amend it using a codicil form (which records any changes to a will) or write a new will. We recommend you get a solicitor to help you draft your will/codicil correctly.
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How do I find a solicitor?
We recommend you seek professional advice to help you draft your will correctly. You can find a local solicitor who will be able to help you on these websites:
As a LawWorks supporter you can use a free will writing service with Bequeathed/Remember A Charity.
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How will my gift be used?
LawWorks believes that every individual should have access to legal advice, regardless of their ability to pay. Your gift will be used to support our work to promote, support and develop the provision of pro bono legal advice in England and Wales. Find out more about our programmes.
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Can I have a say in how you use my gift?
We encourage gifts left to us to be unrestricted, so we can use them where the need is greatest at the time. However, if you would like your gift to support a particular aspect of our work, we would be happy to discuss that with you.
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What information do I need to include when leaving a gift to LawWorks?
You will need to include our name, address and registered charity number.
Name: Solicitors Pro Bono Group (known as LawWorks)
Address: Lawworks DX 115, 89 Chancery Lane, London, England, WC2A 1EU.
Registered charity number: 1064274
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What type of gift can I leave?
There are three types of gift you can leave to us:
- A ‘residuary legacy’ is the amount left over from your estate once you have taken care of your family and friends, and expenses have been taken out. You can leave all the remainder of your estate, or a percentage of this.
- A ‘pecuniary legacy’ is a gift of a fixed sum of money.
- A ‘specific legacy’ is a gift of a particular item, such as antiques or jewellery.
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I don't have a lot to leave, is it worth leaving a gift in my will?
Any size of gift is hugely appreciated by us. Whatever you can give will be used to ensure access to justice for the most vulnerable people in society.
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Do I need to tell you if I've left a gift to LawWorks?
You are under no obligation to tell us your plans, but if you do it gives us the opportunity to thank you personally. We can also keep you informed about our ongoing work and invite you to special events (if you would like us to). To let us know about a gift, please email our fundraising team. All information shared with us will be treated in confidence.
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Can I change my mind?
Yes, you can. A will is a very personal document that reflects your final wishes. You can change your mind at any time by contacting your solicitor to update your will.
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Can a gift in my will help me pay less inheritance tax?
Legacy gifts can help reduce your inheritance tax liability either by lowering the value of your estate before inheritance tax liability is calculated, or by reducing the rate of inheritance tax if you give at least 10% of your estate to charity. We recommend that you speak to a solicitor or financial adviser for advice on tax issues and whether your gift will affect tax payable on your estate. You can also visit the HMRC website to find out more.