Whilst always available to respond to requests to support clinic development in a ‘reactive’ way, the Clinics team have developed a detailed strategy to guide proactive clinic development...
28/07/2017 - 1:06pm
Our student awards celebrate the exceptional contribution of law students and law schools to pro bono legal advice. This year the awards ceremony was held at the House of Commons on 26th April hosted...
28/07/2017 - 1:34pm -
We are pleased to announce that LawWorks will be Holding a special seminar event with distinguished legal activist and scholar Edgar Cahn on pro bono and Time Banking Hosting a Student Pro...
28/07/2017 - 1:41pm -
The report found that constituents are increasingly seeking legal advice at MPs’ surgeries – from the survey data gathered by this project 89 per cent of problems presenting at London MP...
28/07/2017 - 1:50pm -
Our most recent Webinar facilitated by CEO Martin Barnes covered homelessness and housing allocations. Angus King, Solicitor at Lambeth Law Centre and Ian Peacock of Arden Chambers, the webinar...
31/07/2017 - 11:07am -
Current vacancies Associate Professor/Director of Clinical Legal Education Access to Legal Services Adviser Associate Professor/Director of Clinical Legal Education Salary: from £56,921...
29/08/2017 - 3:18pm -
Its autumn and with the changing weather the Party Conference season is upon us. LawWorks are contributing to discussion and debate events concerning...
08/09/2017 - 10:57am -
After some delay since the General Election in Parliament agreeing the composition of Select Committees for this Parliamentary session, a new Justice Select Committee has now been appointed, with Bob...
13/09/2017 - 3:11pm -
LexisNexis have kindly offered the use of Lexis+®, their new all-in-one platform called Lexis+ with up-to-date legislation, case law, commentary and comprehensive practical guidance, for free to...
20/11/2017 - 11:58am -
28/09/2017 - 4:36pm