The session covers what co-production is (and what it is not) and why it is important, especially during the pandemic, and includes case studies, models, and illustrative examples, plus a relevant...
27/10/2020 - 11:04am
Delivered by Richard Owen, Professor, Hillary Rodham Clinton School of Law, Swansea University and Eleanor Barrow, LawWorks’ Membership & Training Officer (Wales), this video provides information...
28/10/2020 - 4:38pm -
Looking beyond the “codes of conduct” that bind the legal professions, with an introduction from Stephen Mayson, two panels discuss the moral principles and motivations of working to improve access...
09/11/2020 - 1:24pm -
LawWorks ran two surveys - jointly with CLEO - between May and September 2020 for law schools throughout the UK, one for staff and one for students. It builds on the methodolody of our...
16/12/2020 - 10:32am -
Presented by Hannah Lennox and Rebecca Blake, trainee solicitors at BPP University’s Legal Advice Clinic. This session explores the day to day experience of trainee solicitors in a pro bono legal...
15/01/2021 - 12:11pm -
This recording gives an introduction to the Cardiff Lawyers Care free legal advice clinic for people experiencing homelessness. It will prepare volunteers who wish to advise at this clinic. Topics...
21/01/2021 - 5:43pm -
This session provides a summary of the main features of child abduction law and practice. Delivered by Carolina Marin Pedreño, Partner at Dawson Cornwell, and Caroline Korah, Senior Associate at...
25/01/2021 - 5:11pm -
Delivered by John Sprack (barrister and former Employment Tribunal Judge), this session introduces the main features of discrimination law in employment. The areas covered include: The protected...
27/01/2021 - 4:49pm -
Delivered by Hannah Lennox, a trainee solicitor with BPP University, this video provides an introduction and gives practical guidance on rent repayment orders in housing law cases. Topics will...
05/02/2021 - 12:07pm -
This recorded training session is delivered by Hannah Bradburn, a housing specialist at Lawstop, the video gives an introduction to homelessness law. Topics covered include: Who is consider...
08/02/2021 - 4:04pm