Lifting the stay on possession proceedings

Delivered by Cecily Crampin and Mark Galtrey, barristers from Falcon Chambers, this session provides an update from our previous session on the stay on possession proceedings during coronavirus (extended by 2 months under Practice Direction 51Z) due be lifted on August 23rd.

PLEASE NOTE: Since this session was delivered, the stay has been extended again for another four weeks until September 20th. The government said it will also introduce six-month notice periods for evictions except in cases involving anti-social behaviour and domestic abuse, until “at least the end of March”.

Areas covered include, changes to Civil Procedure Rules, the pre-action process, New Practice Direction 55C, and Writs and warrants: changes to the procedure on enforcement of possession claims.


Cecily Crampin is a barrister practising property law from Falcon Chambers. She practises in all areas of property law, with a particular interest in mortgage law. Mark Galtrey is a barrister specialising in real estate litigation from Falcon Chambers.

Our thanks to Cecily Crampin and Mark Galtrey for volunteering their time and expertise.


Date of publication

Friday, August 21, 2020

Date last reviewed

Friday, August 21, 2020