LawWorks practice guidance

This guidance aims to assist solicitors to understand the rules and regulations that apply when providing pro bono advice, casework or representation.

This guidance entitled "Solicitors and pro bono: regulatory issues" provides a general guide to assist solicitors to understand the rules and regulations that apply to them when volunteering to provide legal pro bono, whether volunteering in a clinic or on another LawWorks programme (such as not our Not for Profits Programme and Secondary Specialisation Programme). It intended to be a useful resource for solicitors engaged with a wide range of pro bono work and projects, and reflects the new SRA Standards and Regulations introduced in November 2019. These replaced the previous SRA Handbook. A key innovation in the new rules is being able to "practice on your own account" as an SRA regulated freelance solicitor.

For practicing solicitors working in-house is there are some specific issues on regulation derrived from the Legal Services Act. We therefore have a separate guidance and resource on this - please refer to our LawWorks Practice Guidance: In-house solicitors and pro bono - regulatory issues

This guidance does not deal with the regulation of the paid work of private practice solicitors. We strongly recommend that you read our guidance in combination with the SRA's bespoke guidance for solicitors delivering legal services from within a not-for-profit organisation ("special bodies"), including those delivering legal services pro bono. Both guides can be downloaded below.

Please contact Richard Pitkethly, LawWorks’ Head of Learning & Practice, with any comments or questions concerning this guidance.

Download the guidance: 


Please note, this guidance does not constitute advice. In all cases individual volunteers, and other readers of this guidance, should satisfy themselves that they and the projects they volunteer through (or administer) meet the relevant regulatory requirements.


Year of Publication

Type of Resource

Date of publication

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Area of law

Date last reviewed

Wednesday, September 30, 2020