Pro Bono Opportunity with The Growth Company Employment Legal Advice Service

The Growth Company, in partnership with Citizens Advice and a network of pro bono legal partners, run the Employment Legal Advice Service to provide free employment law advice to individuals across Greater Manchester.

Volunteering opportunity

The Growth Company are looking for additional employment law solicitors to support their Employment Legal Advice Service which provides free employment law advice to individuals across Greater Manchester. 

The Growth Company request that firms (or individual solicitors if not part of a firm) volunteer a minimum of half an hour per week to the service.  The service operates entirely remotely with appointments taking place either via MS Teams or telephone.  Therefore volunteer solicitors do not have to be based in Manchester.

The Growth Company’s triage team speak to the individual first to understand the issue and book them in for an appointment where appropriate.  Once an appointment is booked, the solicitor is provided with a synopsis of the issue.  The service is usually a one-off initial advice intervention but occasionally clients ask for a follow-up appointment. 

Person specification

Solicitors with a current practising certificate with expertise in employment law.

Application process

If you are interested in volunteering with The Growth Company Employment Legal Advice Service, please contact Naomi Ilagoswa, Director of Strategic Partnerships & External Projects -


Opportunity type

Opportunity area of law