Depending on your particular interest and capacity, there are a range of programmes we support which solicitors from member firms can get involved with:
The Not-for-Profits Programme connects small not-for-profit organisations in need of legal support with the skills and expertise of lawyers, to support the continuation and expansion of their services to people in need.
Secondary specialisation is a programme to support lawyers in firms and in-house teams to develop expertise in areas of social welfare law and employment where need is significant and supply increasingly limited.
You can support this work by becoming a member.
Clinics Network
LawWorks runs a Clinic Network, which supports and develops independent pro bono clinics across England and Wales.
Clinics on the LawWorks Clinic Network are independent, locally run and provide free initial advice to individuals, predominantly in the area of social welfare law on either a drop-in or appointment basis. Advice is delivered face-to-face, over the telephone and in some circumstances via Skype. Solicitors can volunteer at clinics as individuals or as part of a firm/in-house team initiative depending on the clinic and its needs.
Legal and skills training is offered to clinics on the Clinics Network to give volunteer solicitors the confidence to provide advice at clinics.
Pro Bono Opportunities
Our listings of pro bono opportunities give an overview of current volunteering opportunities across the country. Please see below.
If you would like to learn about other ways to volunteer, please visit the Get involved section of the website or visit the National Pro Bono Centre website.