Pro bono opportunity with St Michael’s Church Camden Town Legal Drop In

St Michael's Church Camden Town, which is located close to Camden Town Tube station, facilitates a weekly legal drop in service on Wednesday evenings.

Setup in 2014, the clinic had to suspend their services following the first Covid-19 lockdown in March 2020, they are now reopening and are looking for new volunteers. The clinic provides initial advice on a range of issues, including housing, finance, family and employment law.  

What are you looking for volunteers to help with?

The clinic is keen to reopen the drop in as soon they can 'recruit' a minimum of two more volunteer solicitors. They currently have two solicitors.

What is the time commitment?

The Wednesday session runs for about an hour from 6.30-7.30pm. Clients are welcomed and registered supported by University of Law student volunteers from 6pm but lawyers only need to be available from 6.30pm.

If they increase the pool of lawyers involved to four, the commitment should not be more frequent than twice a month.

What will volunteers get out of this?

The lawyers involved find the drop in professionally beneficial and have the satisfaction of meeting a demand for free legal advice that is otherwise not readily available in Camden Town, one of the most deprived areas of London.

Lawyers will also support students in gaining skills and expertise while they sit in on client interviews.

Person specification - what type of volunteers is the clinic for?

Generalist solicitors with relevant experience of at least one of the aspects of the law on which there is greatest demand (housing, family, employment and finance) and able to provide basic initial advice on a range of topics.

Application process

To apply please provide a brief summary your professional experience and any specialisations by email to


Opportunity location

Camden Town London
United Kingdom


Greater London

Opportunity type

Closing date

Thursday, June 30, 2022