LawWorks Pro Bono Clinics Manual

The LawWorks Pro Bono Clinics Manual offers practical advice to support the development of free legal advice clinics across England and Wales. Designed as a practical ‘how to’ guide, the manual is a mixture of commentary, advice, templates and useful background information.

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LawWorks Pro Bono Clinics Manual

The manual provides practical help and advice for anyone interested in clinic development, from law firms and in-house teams, to frontline agency workers and law school practitioners.

Acknowledging clinics are considerably diverse in size, regularity, services offered and delivery models, they all share the same core components of volunteering and providing legal advice and support. We hope this manual will be a helpful resource for those working with advice agencies, charities, educational institutions and law firms and in-house legal teams, whether providing advice, representation or public legal education.

Topics in this manual have been dealt with as stand-alone chapters that will be helpful to different organisations at different stages of clinic development and operation.

  • Section one looks at developing pro bono clinics and outlines the issues that a clinic coordinator should consider when planning and developing a pro bono clinic. For example, different models of clinics, how to identify need and recruiting volunteers.
  • Section two focuses on clinic management, addressing the procedure and practice issues that coordinators should consider in relation to the management and delivery of their clinic; for example, casework procedures, client confidentiality, and supervision.
  • Section three covers the relationship with LawWorks and contains a breakdown of the support and services you can access through the LawWorks Clinics Network.
  • Appendix 1 and 2 contain a number of templates as well as the full text of the Joint Pro Bono Protocol for Legal Work.

LawWorks acknowledges the enormous amount of work that has gone into the manual and would like to thank: Nicola Antoniou, Kate Buchanan, Sarah Calder, Tim Cave, Lee Hansen, Clare Johnson, Pinder Saggu, Richard Pitkethley, James Sandbach, Eleanor Scarlett, and the LawWorks Clinics team.