Why collect monitoring information?
LawWorks collects information from clinics for four reasons:
- to develop resources and support services for clinics
- to publicise the work of pro bono clinics and to influence policy and decision-making
- to share information with the clinics network in support of their development, influencing and fundraising
- to enable their own fundraising for further support to clinics
What monitoring information does LawWorks currently collect?
Annually (winter): LawWorks collects some basic information on clinic activity via an annual survey to clinic coordinators, every January for the previous calendar year. You can download a copy of this survey, and find an excel sheet to keep track throughout the year on the Resources and Support page.
Annually (spring): LawWorks sends out a clinic coordinator feedback survey in the spring, asking about their experiences and any trends they have noticed in the past year.
Every two - three years: LawWorks conducts a national survey of client feedback and impact via an anonymous telephone questionnaire.
Once every two – three years, on rotation: LawWorks plans to conduct snapshot surveys on topics including client demographics and volunteer roles and experience. Materials for these surveys will be made available on the resources page nearer the time.
LawWorks’ monitoring approach has recently been reviewed and redesigned. You can find out more about this on the Better Information Project page.
Want to get involved?
We’d welcome your views. If you’d like to comment on our monitoring work please get in touch via clinics@lawworks.org.uk.