Pro bono opportunity with Ealing Advice Service

The Ealing Advice Service is the main advice provider in Ealing and a leading not-for-profit advice innovator in West London.

We provide generalist advice across a range of areas of laws including consumer, contract, debt, employment, homelessness, landlord and tenant, immigration and welfare rights. We also provide specialist assistance to tribunal level in benefits, employment and housing.

Volunteering opportunity:

The role involves:

  • Providing assessment of enquiries incoming on the telephone advice line;
  • Giving advice on social welfare law matters;
  • Progressing cases via the adviceline;
  • Finding out and interpreting relevant information and exploring options;
  • Recording clear, accurate case records;

There is an opportunity to become caseworker assistants and undertake casework to those who demonstrate commitment and ability.

What will the time commitment be?

We are looking for volunteers who are available  7- 14 hours per week for 3 months, ideally for 14 hours for 6 months to receive the accredited training.

We are flexible in the days and times a person is able to volunteer. The service is open weekdays, Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm.

What will volunteers get out of this?

Bespoke and accredited training is given in all major areas of social welfare law. Expert supervision and support from experienced advisers and on-the-job training is provided.  We aim to provide development of skills and knowledge.

Person specification - what type of volunteers are needed?

You should have good interpersonal and communication skills including a good telephone manner; strong computer literacy skills;be reliable and be able to use your initiative.  Knowledge of a community language will also be desirable.

What email address should enquiries and applications be sent to?

Please send all enquiries and applications to:

Application process - is there any information you would like applicants to provide?

An up-to-date CV is required from applicants.

Is there a deadline for applications or is this an ongoing opportunity?




Greater London

Opportunity type
